If there’s a more effective way of doing things, we adopt that. We’re improving the way we work as we go, without being set in our ways.
We’re approaching the task with an open mind, changing and improving processes through the use of technology. If there’s a more effective way of doing things, we adopt that. We’re improving the way we work as we go, without being set in our ways.
We have a strong sense of service to the public too. We’re handing over what were previously protected government documents, so that the public can see how decisions were made and policy formed. This is important, and it feels good to be doing it.
We celebrate everyone’s contribution, and we are very ready to put people up for staff awards for work well done.
Everyone has a voice in this team. Even if you’re not the kind of person who wants to be heard in team meetings, managers make sure that they’re in close touch with their staff and that no contribution is lost. We work together in open plan offices, and that helps a lot. We celebrate everyone’s contribution, and we’re very ready to put people up for staff awards for work well done.”